Why Do A Parasite Cleanse?

Parasites? Why do I need to cleanse my body of parasites? I don't have them, right? Well, everyone seems to think parasites are things others have. You may not have them, but up to 50% of the human population have parasites according to some recent research. These include pinworms, round-worms, and other harmful intestinal organisms that live inside your body.

How do we get parasites?

You can get parasites through a variety of ways. The most common reason is because of an unhealthy digestive system, and colon. When our bowels are clogged, this buildup of toxins clogs the walls provides a good environment for parasites to live off..
How To Do A Parasite Cleanse

To help with parasites, it's crucial we get rid of toxins in our colon with a colon cleansing program. Without a toxic colon, parasites have no way of thriving. They hate healthy, clean colons :)

1. First, buy 2 packs of the Colonix Program (with Paranil and KleriTea). This is a complete cleansing kit that comes with a psyllium husk powder (to push the toxins out the colon), Paranil, which helps with parasites, and KleriTea for promoting healthy bowel movements (so those toxins get out faster). It's one of the best cleansing programs in the market.
2. In the first 5 days: take two Paranil capsules with 8 ounces of water. After 15 minutes, mix half a scoop of the Colonix fiber with any liquid, and drink it.

3. Throughout the day, make sure you hydrate yourself and drink at least 8 glasses of water. It's very crucial that you do this because psyllium husk absorbs a lot of water. Also, drinking coffee, soda or even juice doesn't count.
4. In the evening, drink the KleriTea with a cup of hot water. This tea helps to get your bowels moving, so that you can't eliminate those toxins out fast.

5. For rest of the month: In the morning, take 4 Paranil capsules with water in the morning, and take 1 scoop of the fiber with liquid 15 minutes later. In the evening, continue drinking the KleriTea.

6. After a month is over, I recommend you give yourself a break for 5 days and just take the fiber only (not the Paranil + KleriTea). After those 5 days, resume taking 4 Paranil capsules, and the tea in the evening.
7. 2-3 months should be enough cleansing to eliminate toxins from the system. Some people see parasites in their bowels after the first couple of weeks, but even if you don't, it doesn't mean you didn't remove them. Remember, some of them are tiny specks like rice. You can hardly see them.

So how do I know if it works?

If something positive changes in your health, it's a good chance it's due to the cleansing, and parasites are gone. It varies from person to person. Some of you may feel an increase in energy (toxins/parasites usually lead to sluggishness). Some may see better skin. Some a better mood. Some less constipation. While others may see a return to a healthy body weight.
Diet Guidelines

It is imperative you follow some guidelines when doing your cleansing. Forget about eating any sweets, or heavy foods such as meat. Stick with soft, easy to digest foods like broths and soups. Follow these guidelines:
1. Avoid sugars at all costs.
2. Eat cultured foods such as kefir and yogurt. These probiotics will definitely kill the parasites.

3. Consider getting a Bromelain nutritional supplement, as they can really put a hurt on tapeworms.

4. Try eating pumpkin seeds a couple time a day, as they have parasite-killing properties. Consider mixing them with cayenne pepper.

5. Eat garlic, garlic, garlic! Garlic will do wonders in destroying some parasites.

6. You need to make your stomach increase in acidity, so consider taking ACV (apple cider vinegar) before every meal. In case your food contains parasites, this will prevent them from infecting your body.

7. Use various spices in your foods such as cinnamon, and cloves. Many spices are parasite killing properties and will put many of them to sleep.

Testing for parasites is extremely hard, and not accurate. I had friends who had gotten parasite tests that turned negative, but in fact they did have parasites. If you want to have one in any case, go right ahead, but in my experience many of them are very inaccurate.

The Colonix Program can help those who have parasites because it thoroughly cleanses your bowels of toxins. You should do 3 months of cleansing, as this will completely cleanse your colon of toxins. If you just do 1 month, your body might still have toxins. Remember, if even one parasite exist, then it can lay 10,000 more eggs within a few days, and the whole vicious cycle starts again. So, it's better to cleanse thoroughly than to do a fast one.
Is The Colonix Program the best parasite cleanse?

We think eliminating toxins with DrNatura Colonix, or any type of colon cleanse helps tremendously with parasites, but there are other products as well that helps as well. Alternatively, you can choose to use a supplement like Wormwood, which is an anti-parasite herb. In any case, we still recommend doing that as well as colon cleansing with Colonix, (or making your own fiber shakes) to ensure the colon is clean, and parasites don't have a toxic environment to breed.

Can Parasites cause acne?

Yes, it can cause acne in some people, although not directly. Remember, toxins flourish in toxic colons, and a clogged colon means toxins can't be eliminated properly. So where do they go? You guess it. Your skin pores, leading to pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, papules, cysts, and all that good stuff :) That's why so many people got rid of acne they had their entire lives by doing colon cleansing.

Can ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) kill all parasites?

Apple cider vinegar is pretty effective in preventing infections when you consume foods that have parasites. But by itself, it doesn't kill all parasites in your body.

Other Parasite Tips

If you experience abdominal pain often, chances are you have roundworms. Other symptoms of roundworm infections include asthma, pain in your eyes, and rashes. When these worms secrete their wastes, they can cause rashes in most humans. If you have skin problems, you may have a hookworm infection. When these worms mature into adults, they can literally feed off your blood, which leads to abdominal pain, dry skin/hair, acne, and death in some people.

Of course, for some of us parasites may not be the reason we have health problems, but let me point back to the statistic I made earlier. 50% of the human population has some kind of parasite in their body. Parasites don't discriminate among males, or females, or elderly or young people. Parasites can be in any person's body, and to get rid of them permanently, we must start a parasite clense.

Colon cleansing tips

Colon cleaning can be very tiredsome and can place a lot of stress on our system. Why is that? When, we do colon cleaning, (or any type of cleansing, for that matter) and destroying toxins, it can lead to something called a "die-off effect". A die-off effect is basically a temporary, minor side effect of cleansing. When all the toxins are flushed out of the body, it can temporarily make you feel worse. What are some of the things you make feel?

-Slight bloating
-Slight nausea
-Bad breath
-Some acne
-Achiness in the muscles

The die-off effect is a necessary stage in colon cleaning, and it isn't something we should be scared of.

Do not stop natural colon cleansing just because you're feeling worse. It is natural because we need to get slightly worse before we can get better.

Because we can feel slightly woozy and tired while cleansing, it's important to try and lessen these die-off effects as much as possible. So, while cleansing, try and follow these important guidelines:

1. Drink a lot of water. Whenever you feel a headache coming on, or feel tired, take a sip of water.

2. Take Ester-C supplement every day in the morning. We all know the immune system benefits Vitamin C has. Ester-C can be readily absorbed by our body unlike other forms.

3. Eat broths, and stews. These provide necessary electrolytes, which will energize you.

4. Practice rebounding. Do detox baths. Exercising, especially rebounding will aid in removing the excess toxins, and acids out of the body. We all know the skin is the largest organ in the human body, and sweating does wonders for your skin.

On the flip side, don't do too much exercising. Colon cleaning can be hard on your body - you need to rest occasionally too.

Do detox baths too. Search online for various ones such as Bentonite Clay, and Apple Cider vinegar baths.

5. Take a probiotic when cleaning. Make sure you replenish the good bacteria and take a probiotic with human strains such as Latero-Flora.

6. Watch, or read something relaxing. Practice meditation. Listen to classical music. While cleaning, you may feel some mood swings at times. This is because colon cleaning can release some old emotions. This is natural. You should try and think relaxing thoughts as much as possible. Don't do anything stressful, or frustrating when you're cleansing.

7. Do not over-eat. Overating will make cleaning less effective. Why? well, if you're taking Psyllium Husk, it will just remove the digested remains of the foods you eat, not the compacted fecal matter that have been stuck in your colon for years.

8. Consider taking Nutritious Yeast Flakes. Yeast flakes provide an abundance of B-vitamins and trace minerals. Mix a spoonful of yeast flakes with anything such as soups, or milk and drink it down. You'll feel a difference in your body immediately.

Follow these steps and your colon cleaning process will go much smoother, and the die-off effects from colon cleansing will not be as severe. After cleansing, you should lay low on the supplements and try to supply them through whole natural foods.

The Best Liver and Kidney Cleanse

 Internal toxic cleansing, including a liver and kidney cleanse are key elements to an overall successful body cleansing and detoxification. Toxic cleansing can help clear up plenty of strange symptoms that modern medicine can only hide. 

If the kidney and liver are not performing at their best you probably have a buildup of toxins in your body that it cannot get rid of on its own. The colon, kidney and liver are the main elimination organs in your body- they are there to eliminate waste products and toxins from your body. It is very important to keep these organs clean so they can keep your body healthy.

The kidneys are so important to your body. One of the most common signs of an unhealthy kidney are kidney stones and urinary tract infections. A kidney cleanse in addition to a liver cleanse will insure the continued long-term health of these vital organs.

The liver performs hundreds of functions necessary for you to maintain good health. An unhealthy liver is able to affect every organ in your body. Symptoms of an unhealthy liver include malnutrition, allergies, poor immune system and even hepatitis in some rare cases. A liver cleanse can help your body function better.

A parasite cleanse is very important to perform before cleansing your kidney and liver. Parasites live on food in or on another organism. They will go to the areas of your body that are not functioning properly. Undergoing a proper parasite cleanse will most likely kill most of the parasites in your body. A trusted store bought parasite cleanse will do the job effectively. First, do the parasite cleanse, kidney cleanse second and then the liver cleanse for optimal health.
Here is the recipe for a Kidney Cleanse:
cup dried hydrangea root
cup gravel root
cup marshmallow root
4 bunches of fresh parsley
Ginger capsules
Uva Ursi capsules
Black cherry concentrate 8 oz.
Vitamin B6, 250 mg
Magnesium oxide, 300 mg (powder form)

Measure a cup of each root and set them to soak, all together, in ten cups of water. After at least 4 hours or overnight, add 8 oz. black cherry juice concentrate, heat to boiling and simmer for 20 minutes. Drink a cup as soon as it cools. Pour the remaining mixture through a strainer and refrigerate.

Boil fresh parsley in 1 qt. of water for 5 minutes. Drink  cup  after it cools. Freeze 1 pt. and refrigerate the rest. Dispose of the parsley.

Dosage: Each morning pour together  cup of the root mixture and  cup parsley water into a cup. Drink the mixture and equal amounts during the day. Refrigerate. Do not drink all at once. Start on half this dose if you have a sensitive stomach.

Save the roots after the first boiling and store in freezer. After 3 days boil the same roots again, but only with 6 cups of water and simmer for 10 minutes. This supply should last you 8 days for a total of 3 weeks.

After 3 weeks repeat with fresh herbs. You should do the kidney cleanse for 6 weeks to get excellent results. If you have severe problems do the cleanse longer.
Also take:
Ginger capsules: 2 with each meal (6 per day)
Uva Ursi cpaules: 2 with each meal (6 per day)
Vitamin B6 (250 mg): once a day
Magnesium oxide (300 mg) once a day
Take these supplements before eating.
Here is the recipe for the liver cleanse:
2 grapefruits
4 lemons
300 ml of filtered water
2 tablespoons of Udo's Choice
1 teaspoon of acidophilus
2 cloves of fresh garlic
2 inches of fresh ginger root
Dash of cayenne paper
1. Squeeze the juice of the grapefruit and lemon into a blender
2. Grate the garlic and ginger. Use a garlic press and squeeze this into the juice.
3. Add the water, Udo's oil and acidophilus and blend for 30 seconds
4. Add more garlic and or ginger to taste if you want.
There should be no side effects to this drink. It is recommended to do this cleanse over the weekend and start it in the morning and stay close to home.


How the Best Colon Cleanse Supplements Work to Help You Drop the Weight and Improve Your Health

If you're looking for the best colon cleanse supplement, then you're not alone in holding your health and fitness in high regard. That's because more and more people are turning onto the knowledge that using a colon cleanse to help maintain health and to drop weight, is really simple, quite natural and very effective.

The colon is without doubt one of the most important organs in our bodies, since if it's not in great working order it can affect so many other organs and also affect how we feel. If the colon is blocked, that will have an impact on the liver and poor liver function then goes onto affect the kidney and so on.
A blocked colon will add pounds to your weight as you are carry around pounds of backed up poop and other waste matter. On average this weight weighs in at between 4-20lbs and carrying around all that unnecessary weight, is not going to be great for your all round health. A detox colon cleanse can and will flush out that waste and help you feel well again.

Well if you opt for a supplement, then you'll take a pill or a capsule and once inside this pill will dissolve. If you are wise and use one of the best colon cleanse supplements that are available online, then you will find that slowly the ingredients within the pill, which are a mixture of fruit and herb extracts, begin to have an impact on the waste in your colon.
The waste begins to get broken up into small pieces and then with the increase water intake that you are advised to take in, the waste begins to flushed out of your body.
Yes you will have increased bowel movements, but if you opt for the best colon cleanse supplements, which are made from natural ingredients, then you shouldn't be stuck in the bathroom for hours.

Going for a synthetic supplement means that you will likely end up having a harsh cleanse. That means the waste will leave your body too quickly and you'll be more likely to end up dehydrated and feeling very ill. Of course you can't go through a process like a detox colon cleanse and not have some ill feeling, but there really is no need to make it any worse than it need be.
Now it is the simple fact that taking a cleanse can not only help you drop between 4-20lbs in weight and also help you feel healthy again, that colon cleansing has become so fashionable. If you're struggling with gas, obesity, constipation, insomnia and even bad skin and hair, for many people this can all be linked back to how their colons are or are not working.


Read This Natural Colon Cleanse Review Before You Make Your Decision on Which Method is For You

A natural colon cleanse is the best choice to make when it comes to cleansing, but which method might be right for you and how do you choose one? Well this article will do a colon cleanse review for you and point out the pros and the cons of each.
Well there are basically 3 natural colon cleanse methods worth reviewing and they are (i) colonic irrigation (ii) a natural colon cleanse supplement (iii) change of diet and lifestyle.

This natural colon cleanse involves inserting a tube into the anus and a warm solution is then tubed through to the colon. A good deal of toxic waste can be shifted out of the colon using this method and for those who can afford a detox colon cleanse of this fashion, it's a good choice. Because that's the big downside to this procedure, it is natural, but it's very expensive for most.
It's no suprise then that colonic irrigation is favored by the rich and famous. Another downside is that it's very invasive and is not a procedure you want to do regularly because of the risk of damage to the colon.

As opposed to a synthetic cleanser, is perhaps one of the best ways for you to detox your colon. A natural cleanser is made from natural fruits and herb extracts and you take it as a pill supplement. It then dissolves inside your body and begins to break up the thick and heavy pieces of poop and waste matter that is deep inside your colon.

It is one of the best methods because it doesn't involve introducing intrusive instruments into the body. What's also good about this form of detox cleanse is that it can penetrate as deep into the colon as necessary and so help with weight loss, statistically between 4-20lbs can be lost in a matter of days.

Now without a doubt, if you can change your diet and your lifestyle choices, then this really is the #1 best natural colon cleanse you can take.
This is because the biggest reason our colons get blocked is because of the foods and drinks that we put into our bodies. Yes there are environmental issues also, but mainly it's the foods that we consume that cause us the most problems.

Foods such as processed, fatty, sugary, salty, dairy foods and fast foods all leave a high level of fat, poisons and waste behind that we cannot digest. The same is true of coffee, sodas and fizzy drinks, alcohol and if you smoke, cigarettes. All of these foods and drinks cause our colons to become blocked.

If those foods and drinks were cut out of our diets and instead more leafy green vegetables were introduced. More fruits and berries and whole grains, fiber and plenty of fresh water, then this would be a superb way for a natural colon cleanse. Also adding exercise to your daily regime will greatly improve colon health.


Home Remedy Colon Cleanse - How to Cleanse Your Body Safely

Too many trips to the fast food restaurants can cause an increase or build up of toxins in our bodies. This is probably why colon cancer is second leading cause of cancer deaths in the United States. However, a home remedy colon cleanse can make the process of detoxifying our intestines extremely easy for us.

Why Colon Cleansing is Important to Our Health
Because of the fast-paced life-styles we lead, we adopt many habits that are not good for our body. Unhealthy eating habits are the first of many bad habits which add more toxins to the body, which affects the functioning of the colon. The habit of eating improperly results in harmful toxins being accumulated in our colons and eventually reabsorbed by our bodies and circulated in the blood. It is therefore necessary to change some of our negative habits and include a regimen of colon cleansing to remove these toxins from the body.
Regular colon cleansing helps to prevent problems such as constipation, bloating, indigestion, abdominal pain, allergies to foods, headaches, and other intestinal problems. It also helps to keep the skin clear and those of us with hair problems. But colon cleansing must not be prolonged for longer than a week or two.

Tips on How to Cleanse Your Body Safely:

  1. Following a balanced diet using recipes that include soups and salads.
  2. The daily addition of fiber into your diet by eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  3. Drinking eight to ten 8 oz glasses of water a day to keep your body and digestive system hydrated properly.
  4. A juice diet can also help as a home remedy colon cleanse, but the use of juice extracted from fresh organic fruits would bring about optimal results.
  5. Dieting on just citrus fruits of any kind and water for duration of just three to four days.
  6. Salt water flush which requires you to drink two quarts of pure water mixed with two teaspoons of sea salt. The mixture can be easily taken throughout the morning and afternoon.
  7. Fennel and garlic purify the system by getting rid of harmful bacteria. Adding these to your food choices would help increase the benefit of a natural diet.
  8. Fasting helps other organs such as the liver and the kidneys to eliminate toxins form the body. It also provides rest to your system.


Natural Colon Cleanse - The Best Natural Colon Cleanse Method That Really Works

Colon cleansing was not a familiar term until a few years ago. With the growing awareness about poor colon health and related ailments there has been a sudden rise in demand of natural colon cleanse products. Cleansing your colons with natural products has its own benefits. Using herbal products are always better than chemical based products.

A colon full of junk and thick layer of mucus placoid causes a lot of health issues. Obesity is one of most visible ailments that results from poor colon health. What actually poor colon health means is; your colon stops processing junk foods like spice, oil, red meat etc.
Gradually these unprocessed foods start forming toxins which is the main reason behind many diseases. Cardio vascular functions, blood sugar level and cholestrol are caused by obesity.

You can live a fat free and healthy life if you keep detoxifying you digestion system at regular intervals. There are several homemade recipes that are good enough to cleanse your colons but sometimes it becomes difficult to prepare them correctly. Drinking lots of water and increasing the intake of fibrous food goes a long way in keeping the gastrointestinal tract free of toxins.

In order to solve the problem of preparing homemade colon cleansing formula at home, super food based colon health supplements have been introduced. These are made of complete natural and herbal ingredients therefore no side effects are caused. Unlike OTC medicines you do not feel diarrhea, nausea or low energy if you go for natural colon cleanse products.