Colon Cleanse and Acne - Colon Cleanse for Acne Treatment

Colon Cleanse Procedure and Acne Treatment

Step 1: Regular Bowel Movement

The key to an effective colon cleanse for acne is to initially make sure that there is regular bowel movement. This can be done through laxative consumption or other supplement or activator/stimulator capsule intended to promote bowel movement. It is important for the bowel movement to be soft instead of loose. This means that it should still be able to make a form. It’s important for the bowel movement to happen thrice a day. If the first intake of laxative or capsule did not promote such movement, the dosage should be increased until three regular bowel movements are achieved.

Step 2: Colon Cleanse

After achieving regular bowel movement, detoxifying should follow right after. Apple fasting is a good detoxifying method. This can be for 3-4 days. After apple fasting, eating raw foods for the next few days should do the trick. Eat foods that are low in fat and high in fiber. After this type of eating habit is developed, detoxifying should be enhanced. For the next 5-7 days, it is necessary to use a detoxifier formula or natural colon cleansing produce to assist in the final stages of clearing out the colon"

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