Why Do A Parasite Cleanse?

Parasites? Why do I need to cleanse my body of parasites? I don't have them, right? Well, everyone seems to think parasites are things others have. You may not have them, but up to 50% of the human population have parasites according to some recent research. These include pinworms, round-worms, and other harmful intestinal organisms that live inside your body.

How do we get parasites?

You can get parasites through a variety of ways. The most common reason is because of an unhealthy digestive system, and colon. When our bowels are clogged, this buildup of toxins clogs the walls provides a good environment for parasites to live off..
How To Do A Parasite Cleanse

To help with parasites, it's crucial we get rid of toxins in our colon with a colon cleansing program. Without a toxic colon, parasites have no way of thriving. They hate healthy, clean colons :)

1. First, buy 2 packs of the Colonix Program (with Paranil and KleriTea). This is a complete cleansing kit that comes with a psyllium husk powder (to push the toxins out the colon), Paranil, which helps with parasites, and KleriTea for promoting healthy bowel movements (so those toxins get out faster). It's one of the best cleansing programs in the market.
2. In the first 5 days: take two Paranil capsules with 8 ounces of water. After 15 minutes, mix half a scoop of the Colonix fiber with any liquid, and drink it.

3. Throughout the day, make sure you hydrate yourself and drink at least 8 glasses of water. It's very crucial that you do this because psyllium husk absorbs a lot of water. Also, drinking coffee, soda or even juice doesn't count.
4. In the evening, drink the KleriTea with a cup of hot water. This tea helps to get your bowels moving, so that you can't eliminate those toxins out fast.

5. For rest of the month: In the morning, take 4 Paranil capsules with water in the morning, and take 1 scoop of the fiber with liquid 15 minutes later. In the evening, continue drinking the KleriTea.

6. After a month is over, I recommend you give yourself a break for 5 days and just take the fiber only (not the Paranil + KleriTea). After those 5 days, resume taking 4 Paranil capsules, and the tea in the evening.
7. 2-3 months should be enough cleansing to eliminate toxins from the system. Some people see parasites in their bowels after the first couple of weeks, but even if you don't, it doesn't mean you didn't remove them. Remember, some of them are tiny specks like rice. You can hardly see them.

So how do I know if it works?

If something positive changes in your health, it's a good chance it's due to the cleansing, and parasites are gone. It varies from person to person. Some of you may feel an increase in energy (toxins/parasites usually lead to sluggishness). Some may see better skin. Some a better mood. Some less constipation. While others may see a return to a healthy body weight.
Diet Guidelines

It is imperative you follow some guidelines when doing your cleansing. Forget about eating any sweets, or heavy foods such as meat. Stick with soft, easy to digest foods like broths and soups. Follow these guidelines:
1. Avoid sugars at all costs.
2. Eat cultured foods such as kefir and yogurt. These probiotics will definitely kill the parasites.

3. Consider getting a Bromelain nutritional supplement, as they can really put a hurt on tapeworms.

4. Try eating pumpkin seeds a couple time a day, as they have parasite-killing properties. Consider mixing them with cayenne pepper.

5. Eat garlic, garlic, garlic! Garlic will do wonders in destroying some parasites.

6. You need to make your stomach increase in acidity, so consider taking ACV (apple cider vinegar) before every meal. In case your food contains parasites, this will prevent them from infecting your body.

7. Use various spices in your foods such as cinnamon, and cloves. Many spices are parasite killing properties and will put many of them to sleep.

Testing for parasites is extremely hard, and not accurate. I had friends who had gotten parasite tests that turned negative, but in fact they did have parasites. If you want to have one in any case, go right ahead, but in my experience many of them are very inaccurate.

The Colonix Program can help those who have parasites because it thoroughly cleanses your bowels of toxins. You should do 3 months of cleansing, as this will completely cleanse your colon of toxins. If you just do 1 month, your body might still have toxins. Remember, if even one parasite exist, then it can lay 10,000 more eggs within a few days, and the whole vicious cycle starts again. So, it's better to cleanse thoroughly than to do a fast one.
Is The Colonix Program the best parasite cleanse?

We think eliminating toxins with DrNatura Colonix, or any type of colon cleanse helps tremendously with parasites, but there are other products as well that helps as well. Alternatively, you can choose to use a supplement like Wormwood, which is an anti-parasite herb. In any case, we still recommend doing that as well as colon cleansing with Colonix, (or making your own fiber shakes) to ensure the colon is clean, and parasites don't have a toxic environment to breed.

Can Parasites cause acne?

Yes, it can cause acne in some people, although not directly. Remember, toxins flourish in toxic colons, and a clogged colon means toxins can't be eliminated properly. So where do they go? You guess it. Your skin pores, leading to pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, papules, cysts, and all that good stuff :) That's why so many people got rid of acne they had their entire lives by doing colon cleansing.

Can ACV (Apple Cider Vinegar) kill all parasites?

Apple cider vinegar is pretty effective in preventing infections when you consume foods that have parasites. But by itself, it doesn't kill all parasites in your body.

Other Parasite Tips

If you experience abdominal pain often, chances are you have roundworms. Other symptoms of roundworm infections include asthma, pain in your eyes, and rashes. When these worms secrete their wastes, they can cause rashes in most humans. If you have skin problems, you may have a hookworm infection. When these worms mature into adults, they can literally feed off your blood, which leads to abdominal pain, dry skin/hair, acne, and death in some people.

Of course, for some of us parasites may not be the reason we have health problems, but let me point back to the statistic I made earlier. 50% of the human population has some kind of parasite in their body. Parasites don't discriminate among males, or females, or elderly or young people. Parasites can be in any person's body, and to get rid of them permanently, we must start a parasite clense.