Benefits of Colon Cleansing - Find Out The Colon Cleansing Benefits

Benefits of Colon Cleansing
If the rumors are to be believed, the pathology department found more than 35 pounds of fecal matter in the colon of John Wayne’s after his death. One does not need to be a doctor to estimate the ill effects that may have been caused due to such large amounts of fecal matter stored over a prolonged period of time. There are several channels in the human body that need to be cleansed from time to time in order to maintain a healthy standard of living with the colon being one such part.

The Different Channels

There are a total of 7 different channels that require regular cleansing. These include the skin, blood, liver, lungs, kidneys, lymphatic system and the colon. All the channels are equally important and none of them should be left unattended. It can best be understood by comparing the body with a house comprising of 7 segments. The house would not be considered clean even if one segment is left untouched. As far as the colon goes, it can be placed in analogy with the living room which needs to be kept clean."

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